One thing that can put a serious damper on your day is an iPhone with water damage. Say, for instance, you dropped your iPhone into a cup of water when you went to place your smartphone in your car’s cup holder. You completely forgot that you had a cup of water sitting in the exact spot. Or, maybe you dropped your iPhone into the sink, and it got a little too wet. We always recommend that customers purchase protective covers, but if you didn’t have one for your iPhone, don’t worry, because you are not completely out of luck. Actually, you are in luck because we are here to provide iPhone water damage repair services in New York City. Fix iPhone Screen NYC provides affordable solutions, even for water damage. Best of all, we offer same day service.

If you bring your iPhone to your carrier because you are having difficulty getting audio while on the phone, and they determine that the culprit is water damage, they very well might not help you at all. Rather, they will just try to sell you a new phone. The fact is, your iPhone might be perfectly capable of being fixed, but it takes a true expert to handle water damage.

Whether you just bought the new iPhone SE, or have an iPhone 6s, 6, 5s or any other model and managed to get it wet, just get in touch with our team of experts. You can certainly try to dry your device by putting it in a bag of rice or using silica gel sachets - these are tips you will find online. But we recommend that you bring us your iPhone right away so that we can ensure any water damage is reversed. Even if you believe the smartphone is dry, there might still be moisture, which is causing serious damage.

Choose us for iPhone water damage repair in NYC!

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